Zoom Town Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Zoom Town Meeting will occur next Monday, January 18th 2021 at 7:00pm. Zoom invite will be sent out late in the week. If you have any questions please email the Mayor. If you want something added to the agenda please email the town office.

Sustainable Maryland Webinar: Create Public Art


Sustainable Maryland Wednesday Webinar New SM Action: Create Public Art Join Rhonda Dallas, Executive Director of the Prince George's Arts & Humanities Council, on Wednesday, May 5, 2:00 - 3:00pm for an overview of the new SM Action - Create Public Art. Learn how you can enhance meaning in your civic spaces, add uniqueness to […]

Sustainable Maryland Webinar: Adopt Pesticide Regulations


Sustainable Maryland Wednesday Webinar New SM Action: Adopt Pesticide Regulations Join Drew Toher, Community Resource and Policy Director at Beyond Pesticides, on Wednesday, May 12, 2:00 - 3:00pm for an overview of the new SM Action - Adopt Pesticide Regulations. Learn how your municipality can promote public and ecological health by enacting and implementing a […]

Sustainable Maryland Webinar: Historic Preservation


Sustainable Maryland Wednesday Webinar New SM Actions: Historic Preservation Join Elizabeth Hughes, Director, Maryland Historical Trust, on Wednesday, May 19, 2:00 - 3:00pm for an overview of the new SM Actions on Historic Preservation. New Actions will include: Institute a Historic Area Zoning Ordinance  Become a Certified Local Government Establish a Historic Property Rehabilitation Tax […]

Sustainable Maryland Webinar: Create an Insect Hotel


Sustainable Maryland Wednesday Webinar New SM Action: Create an Insect Hotel Join Doreen Davis, Conservation Specialist at the Wildlife Habiatat Council, on Wednesday, May 26, 2:00 - 3:00pm for an overview of the new SM Action - Create an Insect Hotel. Learn about how your community can provide habitat for beneficial insects such as native […]

Sustainable Maryland Webinar: Community Wildlife Habitat


Sustainable Maryland Wednesday Webinar New SM Action: Community Wildlife Habitat Join Emily Preziotti, Community Wildlife Manager - National Wildlife Federation, on Wednesday, June 9, 2:00 - 3:00pm for an overview of the new SM Action - Community Wildlife Habitat. Learn how your residents and community can garden and landscape with wildlife in mind, promote the […]