General Information
The town office is not staffed full time, but phone messages are checked daily.
For changes in event times or dates, and other town announcements, please check the Burkittsville Bugle (the bulletin board directly across from the Post Office on 8 E. Main St.), keep an eye out for flyers, visit this website www.burkittsville-md.gov or visit the town’s official Facebook page.
Town Ordinances
The most updated town ordinances can be found here: Burkittsville Municipal Code Online.
Town Meetings
Town meetings are held on the second Monday of every odd-numbered month at 500 East Main Street (The Ruritan), and start at 7:30 PM.
If you wish to have something placed on the Town’s upcoming agenda, please submit it in writing to the Town Clerk at townoffice@burkittsville-md.gov. All efforts will be made to include your concern.
To request Town Meeting minutes, email or write to the town office.
Contact Information
Phone: (301) 969-0326
Mail: P.O. Box 485, Burkittsville, MD 21718
Email townoffice@burkittsville-md.gov
Phone messages are checked daily.
Like us on Facebook!
Don′t forget to drop in and Like
The Town′s Facebook Page!
Town Council
Editor/Internet Liaison
Town Administrator
Email: townoffice@burkittsville-md.gov
Planning & Zoning
Effective immediately, P&Z will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the little red barn by the cemetery. Please see posted agenda for the meeting link. Citizens are encouraged to attend the meetings to discuss land use, zoning and planning matters within the town. Please see Planning & Zoning by-laws here.
Emergency or Problem?
- Frederick County Sheriff's Office
- Crisis Numbers
- Resources
- Environmental Emergencies
- Emergency Preparedness
- Poison Control (call with questions, too): 1-800-222-1222
- 211 – call this number to learn about health and human services 24/7 or visit http://www.211md.org for even more, including Emergency Preparedness information.
- National Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK) or online at http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org (Online chat: general help, young adult, vets, bullying, Español) 24/7
- Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 then Press 1, or online at www.veteranscrisisline.net
- Crisis Line: 301-662-2255
- Abuse Help & Information: 1-800-422-4453
- Animal Control: 301-600-1546 (911 after hours) or online at http://frederickcountymd.gov/index.aspx?NID=15 Please report animal cruelty.
- Report law-breaking, including speeding (non-emergency): 301-694-2071 Please report all crimes.
- Medbank, part of FCAA: 301-600-6098 or online at www.cityoffrederick.com/186/Medbank-Program
- Recycling questions: 301-600-2960 or online at https://frederickcountymd.gov/index.aspx?NID=1764 & http://www.learnmorerecyclebetter.org
- Trash Collection: Key Sanitation: (301) 668-8282
- Town Government Issues: 301-834-6780
To have your issue on record, write a detailed email about your issue to: townoffice@burkittsville-md.gov
Or mail a letter to: Town of Burkittsville P.O. Box 485, Burkittsville, MD 21718 - Town Online (official): burkitttsville-md.gov
and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Burkittsville.Maryland
- If you want to report a natural event/disaster that isn’t life threatening right now, take shelter right away then call 1-301-600-1603.
(Do not enter the danger zone.) - If someone is in danger or if you see a tornado or other natural threat and wish to report it- take shelter immediately then call 911.
(Do not enter the danger zone.) - If you have questions about these instructions, you can call THE FREDERICK COUNTY GOVERNMENT DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT and EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS at 1-301-600-6790 after reading the FAQs listed below. (This is not a 24-hour emergency number; in case of emergency that you are unsure of, call 911, your information will be passed on to the correct authorities.)
- Frederick County Emergency FAQs:https://www.frederickcountymd.gov/FAQ.aspx?searchTerms=Emergency+Managment&TID=0
- Call the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 for emergencies and other sudden threats to public health, such as:
- Oil and/or chemical spills
- Radiation emergencies
- Biological discharges
- For pesticide poisoning, call 911 if the person is unconscious, has trouble breathing, or has convulsions. Otherwise, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222. Don’t take chances, when in doubt, call.
- If you are involved in or witness an environmental emergency (environmental emergencies) that presents a sudden threat to public health, you must call the National Response Center: 1-800-424-8802.
- For more information on what constitutes an Environmental Emergency please visit:http://www2.epa.gov/home/report-spills-and-environmental-violations
- For Emergency preparedness information: www.frederickcountymd.gov/71/Department-of-Emergency-Preparedness
- Ready of Frederick County- How We Prepare For and Respond to Emergencies: https://frederickcountymd.gov/4541/READY-Frederick-County
- To get Local Emergency Alerts on your phone or to your email, use ALERT: https://frederickcountymd.gov/4727/Emergency-Alerts
- To become involved in Emergency Preparedness locally: www.ready.gov/citizen-corps
- For Traffic and Travel Alerts before going somewhere- Know Before You Go : 511 Or online: https://chart.maryland.gov//